Affiliate Disclosure
Affiliate links refer to the fact that at no additional cost to yourself, I would make a small commission if you were to purchase through my links.
Well Power Plan is a part of the Amazon Associates Program. This is an affiliate advertising program designed to allow us to earn a small percentage, should you purchase an item through one of my links. This is at no extra cost to yourselves.
I may have a financial agreement with some of the brands and items that I mention here on the website, or in my social media accounts. I will only ever share information, recommendations and links to companies, or products, which I feel genuinely could benefit you in some way, or I personally believe in what they stand for. This website was made to genuinely provide trustworthy, and valuable content, and that is what it will always be used for.
That being said, any purchases you do choose to make are entirely of your own decision. I cannot be held liable or responsible for any damages, or negative outcome, resulting from your purchase.