15 Incredibly Easy Habits That Will Change Your Life

Sometimes its’s the smallest changes that can have the biggest impact on how we live our lives. Below are some easy habits to try which when implemented, can help you on the road to leading your healthiest, happiest, and best life.

1- Make your bed

As soon as you get up in the morning, be sure to make your bed. Doing this regularly will over time form a natural habit where you will start to do it without even having to think.

It only takes 5 minutes, and it makes a massive difference. For starters, you’re much less likely to want to get back in it! Moreover, when you walk back into the room later it does not remind you of an extra task that needs doing. Instead, it is tidy, neat and helps you to feel more accomplished and organised.

2- Keep shopping lists up-to-date

I’m sure all of us at some point have got home from the supermarket, only to realise that we have forgotten something we really needed! Having a constant shopping list is perfect for quickly adding to whenever you think of something you need, or notice that something is running low.

I like to personally have a running list on my phone which I can easily add to at any time. Then, when I do go shopping, I can simply check this to see if there is anything else which I need to also pick up.

3- Put your phone away

Taking short breaks during the working day is completely normal. However, try to do something else during this short reset rather than scrolling through social media. This can draw you in and end up taking up much more time than you originally intended, and can also not be very positive for your mental health depending on how you are viewing it.

Instead, try doing a short stretching exercise, going for a quick walk around the block, or even reading a little sat outside.

4- Eat more fruits & vegetables

Try to be more conscious about having a serving of fruit or vegetables with each meal. It can be easy sometimes to not include these, but try to think about filling a third of your plate with something healthy and nutritious. Even if this just goes alongside whatever you would normally be eating.

5- 10 minute de-clutter

Adding to our household items is just so easy. Sometimes, it can even go unnoticed as it happens gradually over a long period of time. Try at the end of your day to spend just 10 minutes de-cluttering a small area. This will really add up over time and you will find that you can even clear out your whole house this way without it all feeling overwhelming. Tidy environment, tidy mind.

6- Stay hydrated

Set yourself a goal for drinking a set amount of water per day. You can do this by purchasing a certain sized water bottle, or even just setting yourself a target for number of glasses. There are so many health benefits to drinking more water throughout the day.

7- Spend money on things you enjoy

Prioritise spending your money on the things which give you the most enjoyment. Try to be really conscious and think about the different ways that you spend your money, and what you get back out of it. Is there perhaps an area where you can cut-back a little, so you can use more of your budget on something you enjoy more?

8- Keep things tidy

If a job takes less than 2 minutes, do it there and then to save smaller tidying jobs piling up. Also try to not put things ‘down’, but instead focusing on putting them ‘away. You’ll be amazed at how much tidier a room can stay without smaller things adding up.

This could also be achieved by making sure everything is left tidy at the end of each day. Rooms become much faster to tidy when they are reset at the end of each day, and not left to accumulate cleaning jobs all through the week.

9- Plan in advance (not last minute)

Look ahead in your calendar so that you are prepared for any up-coming events or occasions. This allows you to get prepared with any outfits, transport, gifts, cards, arrangements that you may need to make. It also gives you more time to make sure you have thought ahead with regards to anything that you may need to purchase or update. Making a list always helps if there is anything larger or more elaborate that you may need to plan for.

10- Be comfortable with saying “no”

Always make sure you are putting your own mental health and gut feeling first. Life is simply too short. If you don’t want to go to an event, then simply don’t go. If you have had a long working week and the last thing you want to do is drag yourself out to a sociable event, then make sure you decline. It may do you good to allow yourself time to recharge.

11- Get up a little earlier

Try setting your alarm 15-30 mins earlier. You can use this extra time however you wish, but try to stay off your phone or social media. Lots of people like to journal, read, meditate, listen to music etc. first thing in a morning to start their day off in a good mood.

12- Think about your life goals, and work towards them

It can be easy to get swept along with day-to-day routines and somewhere along the line, you can forget what you actually want. Sit down and really think about what it is that you want out of life, or what you want your life to look like. Then start breaking those goals and ambitions down into smaller steps, and then again into even smaller steps. Make a start on working towards something so that you feel you are always moving in a direction which you are ultimately aiming for.

13- Plan your day the night before

One of the best ways to start the day productively, is to already have a plan of action in place. Each evening, try planning out some top priorities for the following day and make sure that you know what you would like to achieve. This can be as detailed, or as vague as you like. Try experimenting with planning out your tasks in time-blocks (with a deadline to achieve each), and then also try keeping it very open and simply jotting down the most important jobs.

Everyone works differently, so finding out which exact style works best for you can only come from trial and error. It is absolutely always a great idea to plan your day ahead of time in some capacity though, as this saves waking up and not really having a direction for the day ahead.

14- Add movement to each day

We all lead busy lives, and sometimes we just don’t have time to go to the gym or go on a long walk. Instead, focus on adding some form of movement (no-matter how small) into your day. It could be as short as a quick 10 minute stretching exercise between work meetings.

15- Prioritise self-care

Self-care is absolutely crucial in keeping you feeling balanced and regulating your overall happiness. Everyone needs different types of self-care routines or activities, so this will look different to each individual. Just make sure that you try new things and see what you find gives you the most peace and enjoyment. Try to schedule more of these things and ensure that you are making them a priority in your week.


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